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Ministry of Foreign Affairs REPUBLIC OF KOREA

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질문Q.13 What type of visa do I need to visit Korea?내용닫힘
답변<p>Foreigners wishing to enter Korea are required to have a visa, which can be applied for at a Korean&nbsp;<br />Embassy or Consulate-General. </p> <p>However, a person meeting any one of the following qualifications may enter Korea without a visa. <br />&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;* Nationals of countries that have signed a visa waiver agreement with the Republic of Korea. (To <br />&nbsp;&nbsp; see nationals of countries allowed for visa-free entry, visit the 'Visa' menu, which is located at <br />&nbsp;&nbsp; the top menu bar of our Ministry website)<br />&nbsp;* Those granted permission or immunity for reentry.<br />&nbsp;* Those entering for the interest of international goodwill, travel, or purpose which are beneficial <br />&nbsp;&nbsp; to Korea and have been granted permission upon presidential decree. <br />&nbsp;* Those who have departed with a refugee travel certification and are entering prior to the <br />&nbsp;&nbsp; expiration date.</p> <p>■ Requirements for Visa Application</p> <p>1. A valid passport<br />2. A completed visa application<font color="#0000ff"> </font><a href="/english/visa/images/res/visakorean.pdf" target="_blank"><font color="#0000ff">(download)</font></a><font color="#0000ff"> <br /></font>3. Passport size photo&nbsp; <br />4. Fee (Refer to the 'Visa' menu, which is located at the top menu bar of our Ministry&nbsp;website) </p> <p>■ Visa Types </p> <p>&nbsp;▷ Diplomacy/Official Business Status <br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Diplomacy (A-1), Official Mission (A-2), Conventions/Agreements (A-3)&nbsp; </p> <p>&nbsp;▷ Employment Visa<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Short-term Employment (C-4), Professorship (E-1), Foreign Language Instructor (E-2), Research (E-3),&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Technology Transfer (E-4), Professional Employment (E-5),&nbsp;Arts and Performances (E-6),&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Special Occupation (E-7), Non-professional Employment&nbsp;(E-9),&nbsp;Vessel Crew (E-10), Working Holiday (H-1)&nbsp; </p> <p>&nbsp;▷ Non-profit and Short-term Stay Visa<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Temporary Journalism (C-1), Short-term Business (C-2), Temporary Visit (C-3)</p> <p>&nbsp;▷ Long-term Stay Visa<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Cultural Arts (D-1), Study Abroad (D-2), Industrial Training (D-3), General Training (D-4), Training (D-4),&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Journalism (D-5), Religious Affairs (D-6), Supervisory Intra-Company Transfer&nbsp;(D-7),&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Corporate Investment (D-8), Trade Management (D-9), Job-seeking (D-10),&nbsp;Family Visitation (F-1),&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Residential (F-2), Dependent Family (F-3), Permanent Residence (F-5), Miscellaneous (G-1)&nbsp; </p> <p>For required documents for each specific visa, visit the 'Visa' menu located at the bottom of the Korea&nbsp;<br />Immigration Service website at <a href="http://immigration.go.kr/HP/IMM80/index.do" target="_blank"><font color="#0000ff">http://immigration.go.kr/HP/IMM80/index.do</font></a></p>
질문Q.12 Where can I find information on Korean society, economy and tourism?내용닫힘
답변<p align="left">A) The Korean Culture and Information Service operates a homepage which offers a wide<br />&nbsp;variety of information on Korea. You can visit their homepage at <a href="http://www.korea.net" target="_blank"><font color="#0000ff">http://www.korea.net</font></a>.&nbsp;<br />Useful sites on Korean&nbsp;economy&nbsp;are KITA(Korea International Trade Association)'s homepage&nbsp;<br />at <a href="http://www.kita.org" target="_blank"><font color="#0000ff">http://www.kita.org</font></a> and KOTRA(Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency)'s homepage&nbsp;<br />at <a href="http://english.kotra.or.kr" target="_blank"><font color="#0000ff">http://english.kotra.or.kr</font></a>. One can get up to&nbsp;date&nbsp;information on travel by visiting Korea&nbsp;<br />Tourism Organization's homepage at&nbsp;<a href="http://english.visitkorea.or.kr" target="_blank"><font color="#0000ff">http://english.visitkorea.or.kr</font></a>.&nbsp;Other helpful sites can be<br />&nbsp;found at the 'Links' menu located under the&nbsp;'Related Sites' menu in the lower right&nbsp;corner of&nbsp;<br />our Ministry's homepage.</p>
질문Q11. What are the necessary procedures for the foreign media that wish to request a press interview with a Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade official?내용닫힘
답변A) Foreign media that wish to interview a Foreign Ministry official need to contact the Foreign Press Relations&nbsp;<br />Division at 82-2-2100-8011~13 or send an e-mail to <a href="mailto:fprteam@mofat.go.kr"><font color="#0000ff">fprteam@mofat.go.kr</font></a> requesting an interview.&nbsp;<br />The Foreign Press Relations Division will then refer the request to the interviewee.
질문Q.10 What kind of English publications by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade are available?내용닫힘
답변A) The Ministry publishes the annual Diplomatic White Paper which covers Korea's foreign policy and&nbsp;<br />introduces the Ministry's events that took place over the year. The Ministry began publishing an English&nbsp;<br />version&nbsp;starting in 2006. You can find the White Paper at the 'Diplomatic White Paper' menu located under&nbsp;<br />the&nbsp;'Speeches and Published Materials' menu on the Ministry's English homepage.
질문Q9. Where can I find information about Korean missions overseas?내용닫힘
답변A) As of 2009, Korea has 166 overseas missions. You can find detailed information on a particular overseas&nbsp;<br />mission at the &lsquo;Korean Missions Overseas&rsquo; menu located at the lower left corner of the Ministry's English&nbsp;<br />homepage.
질문Q8. What is the ROK government's position on Dokdo and the East Sea?내용닫힘
답변<!--StartFragment-->A) The ROK government's position on Dokdo and the East Sea can be found in the &lsquo;Issues in Focus&rsquo; menu&nbsp;<br />located at the main page of the Ministry's English homepage. You can also find information on other issues&nbsp;<br />of interest such as North Korea's nuclear issue and FTA at the same menu <p class="HStyle0"><span style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 160%"></span></p>
질문Q6. The English spelling of my last name has changed in my new passport. Can I still use the visa in my old &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;passport?내용닫힘
답변A) If you change the English spelling of your name, the visa obtained on your old passport is still valid.&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; It would not be a problem if you keep both old and new passports to prove that the two names are of the&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; same person.
질문Q5. I would like to study in Korea. What procedures do I need to take?내용닫힘
답변A) If a foreign student wishes to study in Korea, he or she must obtain an admission letter from the&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; university&nbsp;where he or she wishes to enter and apply for a D-2 visa. For more information on visas, please&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; visit our visa menu, which is located at the top of our website's main menu bar or visit the Korea&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Immigration Service website at <a href="http://immigration.go.kr/HP/IMM80/index.do" target="_blank"><font color="#0000ff">http://immigration.go.kr/HP/IMM80/index.do</font></a>
질문Q4. What are the procedures for foreigners who wish to obtain a working visa?내용닫힘
답변A) There are two ways a foreigner can obtain a working visa. First, one can apply for a working visa at an&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;overseas Korean mission with required documents. Second, for those who need a 'Certificate for&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Confirmation of Visa Issuance', the employer in the Republic of Korea will have to apply for the certificate&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; at the Korea Immigration Service and send it to the applicant who can then apply for and obtain a working&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;visa at an overseas Korean mission. For more information please visit the Korea Immigration Service&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;website at <a href="http://immigration.go.kr/HP/IMM80/index.do" target="_blank"><font color="#0000ff">http://immigration.go.kr/HP/IMM80/index.do</font></a>
질문Q3. What is the Certificate for Confirmation of Visa Issuance?내용닫힘
답변A) It is a certificate needed to apply for a visa for specific individuals such as English instructors,&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Chinese wishing to visit relatives and foreign technical trainees. The inviter in the Republic of Korea files an&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; application to obtain the certificate with the Korea Immigration Service. Upon receiving the certificate the&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; inviter sends it to the invitee so he or she can apply for and receive a visa.